Digital Marketing Audit

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What is

Digital Marketing Audit


  • A digital marketing audit is a comprehensive assessment of all active media channels to help organizations measure the effectiveness of the channels in current campaigns.  
  • A digital audit is done to help organizations understand how to leverage digital channels to effectively meet strategic goals.

Benefits of

Digital Marketing Audit

  1. You will gain an insight on where you stand with your website, social media, paid media, email, search, competitors, and content.​
  2. You will keep track of your ROI.​
  3. You will also track the general progress of your business.​
  4. You will address pain points more efficiently.​
  5. You will determine what works for your visitors and what doesn’t. ​
  6. You will realize the value of updating Compliance & Standards.​
  7. You will keep up with trends.​
  8. You will find technology & content gaps.

What is included in

Digital Marketing Audit


  • A digital marketing audit is a comprehensive assessment of all active media channels to help organizations measure the effectiveness of the channels in current campaigns.  
  • A digital audit is done to help organizations understand how to leverage digital channels to effectively meet strategic goals.

How much does

Digital Marketing Audit


The cost for Blog Content with C180 starts at


per month.

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Digital Marketing Audit

Assess your website's strengths and weaknesses with a digital audit. Get the knowledge you need to enhance your online story, presence, credibility, and accessibility.
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Digital Marketing Audit

  • A digital marketing audit is a comprehensive assessment of all active media channels to help organizations measure the effectiveness of the channels in current campaigns.  
  • A digital audit is done to help organizations understand how to leverage digital channels to effectively meet strategic goals.
Different instagram posts with likes and comments
Smartphone with instagram post about twitter acronyms

Benefits of

Digital Marketing Audit

  1. You will gain an insight on where you stand with your website, social media, paid media, email, search, competitors, and content.​
  2. You will keep track of your ROI.​
  3. You will also track the general progress of your business.​
  4. You will address pain points more efficiently.​
  5. You will determine what works for your visitors and what doesn’t. ​
  6. You will realize the value of updating Compliance & Standards.​
  7. You will keep up with trends.​
  8. You will find technology & content gaps.

What is included in

Digital Marketing Audit

  • A quantitative analysis of your digital landscape including website design, calls to action, brand messaging, email design, website design, social media content, and brand consistency across channels.​
  • Analysis of your digital strategy by looking at metrics such as PPC ad reports, CRM data and reports, Google Analytics data, SEO rank, and social media metrics.​
  • A competitive analysis to compare your digital efforts to those of competitors.​
  • Website crawl to uncover missing content, missing title tags, broken links, duplicate content, missing image alt text & attributes, poor site performance, etc.​
  • Brief explanations of the audit findings.

Social medias


Your online success starts with a great social media strategy. We are a social media strategy agency dedicated to keeping you a step ahead of competition and at the cutting edge of the social media world.

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How much is

Digital Marketing Audit

The cost for it with C180 starts at


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