Since Instagram stories only appear for 24 hours and then disappear, most brands may see no point in creating them. However, numbers don’t lie. Instagram reported that 1 billion-plus Instagram accounts are active every single month, and 90 percent of these accounts follow at least one business on Instagram. Note here, over 500 million Instagram users see stories every day (Clement, 2020). You wouldn’t want to lose such an opportunity.

Before sharing on Instagram stories, consider a few things first. You want to be doing it right. So, you need to understand the best content to use, your target audience, and your tone of voice. Most brands perform well with videos on the stories section, and the most engagement here comes from millennials. So, if your target audience is the millennials, you have better chances of selling here.  

With the inclusion of a call to action that you can customize to your liking, Instagram stories have become a useful tool to draw traffic to your website or Instagram shop.  

Creating A Perfect Instagram Story

Give your brand a personality

You need to create a personality for your brand. Your audience needs to feel as if they are engaging with a human. Make sure you understand your social media voice and be consistent with it as people always associate you with it.  

Make engaging content

Most customers or potential customers would love to be heard, and there is no better way to do that than giving them a platform to do that with your brand. Allow people to give their opinion through quizzes, sliders, questions, and polls. You will be able to understand your audience better and improve customer value.  

Use attention-grabbing content

You want everyone to open your stories? Make sure that the content you add is enticing. It can be in the form of images, GIFs, videos. In this type of content, you need to showcase what the audience is getting from you, such as product images, videos of your products being used, and also, if you are announcing a new release or sales, you need to add it here.

Join in trending topics and create reactive content

You can use trending topics to create content that advertises your brand. Being a part of the community includes taking part in these trends. They help a lot with brand awareness and in increase of engagement. Here, you will need to spend much time learning your audience's interests so that you can deliver what they want. Also, remember to make your content sharable. If your audience finds your content amazing, funny, or informative, they might want to share it with their friends. They can add your stories to their stories or send them to others in their DMs. Make sure that is possible. That’s how your reach grows.


Campaign180 social media management service.


Clement, J. (2020, May 14). Instagram stories daily active users 2019. Statista.
